The paper that I am presenting is titled “A Kundalini Awakening and the use of Sound Healing”. This paper is based upon the personal experience of the writer’s own Kundalini Awakening. This incorporates the personal experience along with researched information that explains how a Kundalini Awakening occurs in a person. Each person who experiences this will experience it differently. There are six stages of Kundalini Awakening process and those are explained. The writer provides information about what she has learned from this process. Most importantly, the writer experimented with sound healing techniques during the Kundalini Awakening cleansing process and provides details of her journey to learning what she knows now versus in her previous life. The paper presentation ends with a musical improvisation played on the piano to express the feelings, frequencies, and intensity using sound, music, and rhythms to depict the stages of the Kundalini Awakening experience.
Title of Paper My Kundalini Awakening and the Use of Sound