Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.
There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
others can easily find papers they would like to read or download.
The grading system is as follows.
Overall Grade – 1-5 stars.
Interesting – 1 – Blasé 5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application – 1 – Theoretical 5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written – 1 – Hard to Read 5 – Clear and Concise
The papers are organized based on the following categories:
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This is a brief summary connecting Sound Healing and the Five Element Theory based from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This presentation includes a brief overview of yin yang theory, each elements characteristics and meridians, a view into of some of the associated emotional, psychological and physical symptoms, and instruments that can be used to harness the essence of each element. I'll also discuss how to use Ko and Sheng cycles.
Sound Healing and the 5 Element Theory
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Living in wellness or sickness is a choice. As we make choices for ourselves, we shape our reality. Our reality is formed through thought and the laws of the universe. We can learn how the law of vibration works, and we can attain tools to help use this law to create a healthy body and mind. When our authentic self enters the world, we can experience trauma, stress, and miseducation, which may alter our state of being. However, we have the power to get back to our natural and healthy state of being. Many tools can support this self-healing process. As we explore ourselves and get curious about life, we open up to new solutions that create, enhance, and maintain a joyful existence free of disease and struggle. Overall, we want to establish a way to exist that supports a happy and healthy life for the human race. As we tap into the law of vibration, perhaps each of us will discover how to unveil our authentic selves. Together, we can shape our future and lift one another up in the pr...
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Himalayan Singing bowls are “awakening” instruments developed in Asia for spiritual practice and sound healing. While these spiritual instruments are thought to originate from Central Asia, the historical specifics are highly controversial, and traditional uses of singing bowls has fallen out the global historical consciousness. Only a few master healers still practice and teach the traditional singing bowl methods of Nada Yoga and Sound Healing from these ancient forgotten traditions. This paper will first provide brief background into historical accounts of singing bowl history, and then it will focus on the work of two contemporary singing bowl masters, Suren Shrestha and Master Akhil Anka.
SH Final Paper Nicolas Eng
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I have titled my presentation, Sound, Vibration and Alchemy to give a different perspective on consciousness. I will be using the format of ‘story’, to lead the class to the meaning of the word ‘Alchemy’, as taught to me in my Mastering Alchemy classes. They will led in a meditation as they listen to the story of The Fall of Consciousness, the Rays of Creation, the story of the Elementals, and geometric patterns such as Metratron’s cube and the Platonic Solids. This story will unfold through the sound and vibration of my drums and other instruments.
Sound, Vibration and Alchemy Presentation Aug. 7
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My paper i's about how chanting Aum stimulates the vagus nerve, the history of Aum or Om, what the vagus nerve is, and how each syllable stimulates different parts of the nerve. I teach this technique at my workshops and at yoga studios and have found that it is a very powerful tool for regulating the nervous system.
The Healing Power of Chanting Aum
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My paper covers the topic of earthing, the practice of directly connecting with the earth. My paper includes the science behind earthing, and the health benefits that come from this practice.
Earthing Paper-1
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The History and Case Studies of the Use of Radio Frequency looks back on the history, and current case studies using radio frequency to cure and manage disease. In the 1930’s Royal Rife was able to view and destroy microbes causing various disease via his inventions the “Universal Microscope” and “Frequency Generator”. Mainstream medical was not ready for these findings and much of his research was destroyed, discredited and silenced for years. A resurgence of interest in Rife’s Frequency Machine in the 90’s have lead to modern day Frequency Generator. The case studies included in my paper are outcomes and findings based upon using the Resonant Light Technology PERL M+ Machine.
The History and Case Studies of the use of Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Technology to Manage Cancer and other Diseases (dis-ease)
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This paper outlines four concepts and experiments in sound therapy technology: The Thwacker tuning fork activator, Crystal Laser Resonator, Cymatic Vocalizer & Water Communicator, and a Liquid Sound Bed.
Experiments and inventions in sound therapy technology
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The purpose of this paper is due to a passion of mine of overall health and well-being. As a former certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, it was my desire to help those with injuries and disabilities with movement to improve their quality of life and well-being. Having injuries, myself, it resonated within me and sparked a desire to help others that had no hope otherwise.
Whole-Body Vibration
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There are several researches that show how sound can impact children with autism. There is not a specific cause for autistic spectrum disorder but there is an unbalance in the reception of sensory information. Therefore, there can be a higher sensitivity for different sounds and colors, in which the person can feel pain whenever they hear or see specific frequencies. This is why sound therapy can serve as a good
resource to minimize over stimulation and clear the mind of a patient.
Music therapy as a treatment for children with autism
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Earthing, also known as grounding, is a practice that is being rediscovered for its numerous health benefits. Barefoot contact with the Earth's surface or by using specially designed products that allow one to ground oneself indoors, allow our body to absorb the Earth's unlimited supply of electrons. These electrons are thought to neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals within the body, decreasing inflammation which is associated with many ailments. I believe that incorporating grounding into a sound healing session can be a wonderful therapeutic tool to consider, especially for clients dealing with pain or inflammation.
Sarah Andrews- Final Paper- _Earthing_Grounding Therapy_
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We have all been held in our mother’s womb, giving women and men the innate birthright to re-connect; to the Masculine and Feminine within all of us, to reclaim our seat at the circle, to the rhythm of life, forming circles within circles, to grow and expand human consciousness. This paper highlights three pillars to re-connect you to the pulse of Creation; Ancestry, Sacred Circle, and Drumming.
Dina Montefuscoli - Final Paper- Ancestry, Sacred Circle, Drumming.docx
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