Articles and YouTube Videos

The papers are organized based on the following categories:

Music training: An antidote for aging?
One of the most pervasive effects of aging is the reduction in processing speed, affecting sensory, cognitive, and motor systems. The effects of aging on temporal processing likely play a role in the older adult's difficulty understanding speech in challenging listening environments. So what opti...
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In older adults, the brain can still be trained to hear in noise
Despite significant advancements in hearing aid technology, listeners with hearing loss continue to express frustration when trying to understand conversation in noisy environments. Even with a favorable signal-to-noise ratio, older adults struggle more in these listening situations than younger ...
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cABR may improve hearing aid outcomes
The auditory brainstem response to complex sounds (cABR) provides an objective means of assessing auditory processing, and its incorporation into hearing aid fittings may help to determine how well amplified speech and other signals are being represented in the central auditory system. Kraus_...
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Music benefits across the lifespan: Enhanced processing of speech in noise
Intriguing research continues to focus on music, the brain, and music's potential in honing auditory acuity, including speech-in-noise performance and the enhancement of listening abilities. This article reviews many of these exciting findings and looks at clinical implications for auditory train...
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20Q: Noise, Aging and the Brain – How Experience and Training Can Improve Communication
In this interview, Dr. Nina Kraus discusses research that she is involved with regarding why some people do better than others understanding speech in background noise, and how we can objectively assess this difference with electrophysical measures such as the cABR. She also discusses how music t...
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An Hour of Light and Sound a Day Might Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay
Playing a flashing white light and a trilling sound reversed signs of Alzheimer’s in mice. Researchers are now trying it in humans. Read the full article here:  
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The Importance of Nitric Oxide
Everywhere we look lately, we are seeing an increase in advertising for Nitric Oxide supplements; it seems as though Nitric Oxide is the “new” keyword of the health conscious – especially in body building circles. Read more here:  
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Hum Your Way to Health
With COVID-19 still wreaking havoc around the world, the race for treatment is on. Different organizations use different strategies to combat the virus. Just last week a biotechnology startup KNOW Bio in Research Triangle Par...
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Tesla Coil Wireless Energy and Resonance Demonstration
So, do you think Nikola Tesla's wireless energy system could have worked? Find out in this video! Video from Nov 21, 2015 Tesla Coil Wireless Energy and Resonance Demonstration - YouTube
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Tuning Fork and a Bowl of Water
Slow motion clip of a tuning fork submerged in water. Video from Mar 25, 2015 Tuning Fork and a Bowl of Water - YouTube
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Sound & Light Travel in Waves
In this educational experiment, Jared teaches us about sound and light waves using a physical model of a wave, and an online learning tool from PhET. You can try out this learning tool by clicking on this link: Are you a teacher? Click this link for free t...
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Amazing Resonance Experiment!
This video is a cymatics demonstration using a Chladni plate. I used a tone generator, a wave driver (speaker) and a metal plate attached to the speaker. First add sand to the plate then begin playing a tone. Certain frequencies vibrate the metal plate in such a way that it creates areas where th...
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Board Members: David Gibson, Randy Masters, Richard Feather Anderson, Jennifer Catalano, Lisa Lippincott, Jackie Miller, Jamie Lu Aldrich