My final paper is about the equipment Bio Well (GDV) Camera and I use it before and after my sound healing sessions. The results are interpreted based on the energy connections of fingers with different organs and systems via meridians that have been used in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. I’m a specialist in interpretation of the GDV images. It can read the energy of all organs of the human body, also the chakras alignment. When I find that an organ or system has low Energy or excess energy, I use different frequencies to bring them into harmony and can focus on the Right intentions. I use voice, crystal bows, didgeridoo, drum (Lakota), NAF, tuning forks, synths, headphones, Binaural Beats. It contains research I did on a client where I measured with the equipment before and after a week-long sound healing and meditation retreat, the results are impressive in relation to homeostasis and chakra alignment.