The potential for short-term training to improve cognitive and sensory functions in older adults has
captured the public’s interest. Initial results have been promising. For example, eight weeks of auditory-based cognitive training decreases peak latencies and peak variability in neural responses to speech
presented in a background of noise and instills gains in speed of processing, speech-in-noise recognition,
and short-term memory in older adults. But while previous studies have demonstrated short-term
plasticity in older adults, we must consider the long-term maintenance of training gains. To evaluate
training maintenance, we invited participants from an earlier training study to return for follow-up
testing six months after the completion of training. We found that improvements in response peak
timing to speech in noise and speed of processing were maintained, but the participants did not
maintain speech-in-noise recognition or memory gains. Future studies should consider factors that are
important for training maintenance, including the nature of the training, compliance with the training
schedule, and the need for booster sessions after the completion of primary training.