Vibroacousticmusic has been proposed to be an effective treatment
for individuals with developmental disorders and challenging
behaviors. The present study experimentally tested the effects of
vibroacoustic music on self-injurious, stereotypical, and aggressive
destructive behaviors in 20 individuals with autism spectrum
disorders and developmental disabilities. The participants were
randomized into two groups in a randomized controlled trial
evaluation. The first group received 10–20 min sessions with
vibroacoustic music treatment for 5 weeks. Then the second group
received the same treatment during the next 5weeks. Behavior was
assessed using the Behavior Problems Inventory in all participants
before the treatment, after the first group had completed their
treatment, and again after the second group had completed their
treatment. In order to evaluate each session, the accompanying
assistants assessed behavior on different scales after each session.
In addition, the sessions were videotaped and analyzed minute by
minute for challenging behaviors. The results revealed that
vibroacoustic music reduced self-injurious, stereotypic, and
aggressive destructive behaviors in the participants. In addition,
the results indicated that the effect of vibroacoustic music was to
some extent dependent on the participants’ diagnosis. Implications
for vibroacoustic music theory and practice are discussed.