” In recent years, developmental psychology of music has become a growing research
area with interesting issues concerning music across lifespan. Developmental research
reports have usually been presented at such multidisciplinary conferences as ICMPC
(International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition) and ISME (Interna
tional Society for Music Education) world conferences and commission seminars.
However, we felt that European researchers lacked a forum for developmental and
educational discussions. In January 2005, we began to outline
area with interesting issues concerning music across lifespan. Developmental research
reports have usually been presented at such multidisciplinary conferences as ICMPC
(International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition) and ISME (Interna
tional Society for Music Education) world conferences and commission seminars.
However, we felt that European researchers lacked a forum for developmental and
educational discussions. In January 2005, we began to outline
“The First European
Conference on Developmental Psychology of Music”
Conference on Developmental Psychology of Music”
. The main theme
“Music and
ent – Challenges for Music Education”
ent – Challenges for Music Education”
included the following three sub-
themes: a)
cognitive and social development in music,
musical explorations in re
search and educational contex
and c)
music education and music therapy: common
themes: a)
cognitive and social development in music,
musical explorations in re
search and educational contex
and c)
music education and music therapy: common
these sub-themes being closely linked to the three disciplines in the Depart
ment of Music, University of Jyväskylä: cognitive musicology, music education and
music therapy. For keynote speakers we had an opportunity to welcome some of the
most important international experts in the developmental psychology of music, such
as Professor Sandra Trehub from Toronto University, Canada, Dr. Alexandra Lamont
from the University of Keele, United Kingdom, Dr. Stefanie Stadler Elmer from the
University of Zürich, Switzerland, as well as Dr. Minna Huotilainen from Helsinki
Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland representing devel
opmental neuropsychology, and Professor Jaakko Erkkilä from our home university
representing music therapy point of view.
The Proceedings of ECDPM2005 includes the five keynote PowerPoint-presentations
in PDF-format, without audio and video examples, and fifteen papers in alphabetical
ment of Music, University of Jyväskylä: cognitive musicology, music education and
music therapy. For keynote speakers we had an opportunity to welcome some of the
most important international experts in the developmental psychology of music, such
as Professor Sandra Trehub from Toronto University, Canada, Dr. Alexandra Lamont
from the University of Keele, United Kingdom, Dr. Stefanie Stadler Elmer from the
University of Zürich, Switzerland, as well as Dr. Minna Huotilainen from Helsinki
Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland representing devel
opmental neuropsychology, and Professor Jaakko Erkkilä from our home university
representing music therapy point of view.
The Proceedings of ECDPM2005 includes the five keynote PowerPoint-presentations
in PDF-format, without audio and video examples, and fifteen papers in alphabetical
Enjoy your reading! “