With just a small amount of research there is a huge potential to help people in a major way.  It is well known medically that nerve endings can only handle so much information.  When you fill them up with sound there is no room for the pain information.  

We already have a full range of frequency CDs (https://soundhealingcenter.com/store/music/cmusic/) and devices (www.SoundLoungeCenter.com) that are quite effective.

Pain can be addressed in nerve endings, in the nerves going to the brain, or in the brain itself.  With research we can find the frequencies, timbres and music that are the best for all the types of pain below.  This is major because sound can be so effective.  

You can find more information and treatment plans for pain on our Medical Sound Association site: https://medicalsoundassociation.com/sound-for-pain/ 

Neuropathic Pain
Pain caused by damage to or malfunction of the nerves themselves. The peripheral nerve system includes all the nerves that lead to and from the spinal cord. These nerves transmit pain signals to the brain. If they are injured, neuropathic pain may develop, pain caused by injury to the nerves themselves. You may also hear the term peripheral neuropathy, which is another way to say neuropathic pain since it is damage to the peripheral nerve system. Damage to the central nervous system can also trigger neuropathic pain. Chronic neuropathic pain can be especially challenging to treat because it can be difficult to pinpoint where and how the nerves are damaged.

Nociceptive Pain
Nociceptors are the receptors in the nervous system that get activated when there is an injury. If there is not an injury from outside the nervous system, the nociceptors are not active. Nociceptive pain, then, is pain caused by an injury to something other than the nerves. In chronic pain, though, the nociceptors may still be sending pain messages long after the original injury has healed. Nociceptive pain is caused by an injury or disease to a part of the body. It is called nociceptive pain because the injury or disease stimulates the nociceptors, which are the receptors on the nerves responsible for transmitting pain messages from the affected area. The various types of chronic nociceptive pain are:

Somatic Pain
Comes from injuries to the outer body: skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, bones, etc. It is generally easy to identify where somatic pain comes from, and the pain can be sharp or throbbing (depends on what part of your body is injured). 

Bone pain is a somatic pain. Bones can ache. If the bones have been weakened by another condition, such as cancer or osteoporosis, then you can have a very achy and very intense dull pain. Bone pain can also be acute: if you break a bone, for example, that is acute pain. If the bone heals but you still have a throbbing pain (it may be constant or it may come and go), that can be considered chronic bone pain.

Muscle pain is a somatic pain. Chronic muscle pain is more than a strained muscle. Your muscles may have a chronic muscle spasm that causes them to be tense. This form of muscle overload can cause long-lasting pain, especially in the back. Muscle pain can also develop as part of certain chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia. 

Visceral Pain
Your viscera are your internal organs, specifically those contained in your abdomen and chest cavity. The stomach is an example of a visceral organ. Not every organ has nociceptors, so not every internal organ can send pain messages if it has been injured (the lungs, for example, do not have nociceptors). However, if you injure an organ that has nociceptors, you will probably feel a deep, achy pain, and it will be hard to pinpoint where the pain is coming from. Visceral pain can also have referred pain. That means that the brain cannot distinguish the pain from the organ from pain from another part of your body. For example, if you have a kidney problem, your low back may be painful.

Body Pain

Muscle pain that affects a small part of your body is usually caused by overuse — sore arms from lifting boxes all day, for example. Or it could be a minor injury, like a bruised shoulder after a fall. 

Aches all over your body are more likely caused by an infection, illness, or medicine you have taken. Body aches can vary in intensity and frequency. A person may describe them as sharp, intermittent pains or a dull but persistent ache. Some common symptoms that occur alongside body aches are: – pain in a specific part of the body – weakness – fatigue – shivers or changes in body temperature – cold and flu-like symptoms.


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