In this paper, I am going to look at the space & energy of silence as not only a component of sound but of a necessary connection or link one needs to make in order to WAKE UP!

The Tantra, from the Sat Cakra Nirupana, informs us that everything is a vibratory frequency between energy & consciousness. This means that if I learn to vibrate at that frequency, I can become a magician! (choudary, 2023) In this vibration we can enter and dwell within to become a boon to health & happiness. This energy dance, the dance between shiva or consciousness and shakti or energy is called spanda. There is a certain equilibrium—balance– attunement when one dwells in this energy. And, it is available right here right now in this very next breath you take. This paper will explore HAMSA, and AUMs as mantras working with the breath and the concept of turiya– or silence.


deMello, M SH final paper 2023