The Vibration of Food – Everything is vibration including the food we eat.  Our food has a very strong influence on how we vibrate.  This paper is an education on food and its vibrations, how it was measured initially in the 1930’s to how its vibration is measure today.  Many things have an influence on the vibration of food such as the way it is grown; organic vs conventional.  The journey our food takes from the time it is harvested until it hits our plate plays a huge role in its vibration.  Anthony William, The Medical Medium, writes about the spiritual significance of each food in his book.  Our awareness of a food’s spiritual purpose can determine its vibration.  It is good to understand which food support the function of each of the 7 main chakras as this impacts the overall balance and vibration of our being.  We have the ability to change the vibration of our food in many ways beginning with showing love & gratitude for the energy exchange.   Most importantly, everyone is different in their physical build, lifestyle and belief systems.  The objective is to find a personal diet the keeps the whole being in balance; physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

Vibration of Food Vibration of Food Final Preso GDR v2