Possible Mechanisms of Response to Music Therapy

Musical interventions with adults with cognitive impairments have received increased attention over the past few years, (…) Are_We_Doing_More_Than_We_Know_Possible Ratings Current Average Ratings Overall Grade Avg: 0/5 Interesting Avg: 0/5 Practical Application...

Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) used for fibula fracture

This self directed study follows the subject from time of injury, spiral fracture of left fibula in female age 53, surgery, post operative, for a total of 14 days. Vibroacoustic Therapy Post Surgery Case Study NY (1)   Ratings Current Average Ratings Overall...

Sound Therapy – Vibratory Frequencies of Cells

Sound wave treatment induces profound relaxation, which facilitates the healing of emotional anguish and scars. Sound Therapy - Vibratory Frequencies of Cells   Ratings Current Average Ratings Overall Grade Avg: 0/5 Interesting Avg: 0/5 Practical Application Avg:...

Effectiveness of Mind Sound Resonance Technique versus Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Common Neck Pain Individuals: A Comparative Study

The main cause of neck pain is tension. During periods of intense anxiety, the muscles tense up dramatically. Muscle tension tightens the muscles, especially in shoulders, back and neck. The more anxiety the individual experience, the more tension may cause...

Music and Aromatherapy

Combining musical and aromatherapy therapy is expected to have a stronger effect in the reduction of anxiety and non-invasive hemodynamic stability. Music_and_Aromatherapy_A_Good_Combinatio   Ratings Current Average Ratings Overall Grade Avg: 0/5 Interesting Avg:...