Clinical Research Paper Database

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Music Improves Athletic Performance
Music Improves Athletic Performance Choosing music that motivates you will make it easier to start moving, walking, dancing, or any other type of exercise that you enjoy. Music can make exercise feel more like recreation and less like work. Furthermore, music enhances athletic performance! Anyon...
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Music Soothes Pre-term Babies and Their Parents, and even Improves the Infants’ Sleeping and Eating Patterns (article)
Music Soothes Pre-term Babies and Their Parents, and even Improves the Infants' Sleeping and Eating Patterns by Novotney, Amy. APA, Monitor on Psychology November 13, Vol 44, No. 10 (American Psychological Association) The beep of ventilators and ...
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Original Sound Compositions Reduce Anxiety in Emergency Department Patients
Original Sound Compositions Reduce Anxiety in Emergency Department Patients: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Objective: To determine whether emergency department (ED) patients' self-rated levels of anxiety are affected by exposure to purpose-designed music or sound compositions with and without ...
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Music Improves the Body’s Immune System Function and Reduces Stress (article)
Music Improves the Body's Immune System Function and Reduces Stress by Novotney, Amy. APA, Monitor on Psychology November 13, Vol 44, No. 10 (American Psychological Association) While music has long been recognized as an effective form of therapy ...
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The Use of Music Therapy as a Clinical Intervention for Physiologic Functional Adaptation
To summarize, we suggest that music has the ability to alter fear and stress responses by re-setting homeostatic set-points precisely because music elements synergize with physiologic function and can therefore alter homeostatic set-points to derive positive results. As a medical intervention, mu...
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Coping with stress: the effectiveness of different types of music
Listening to slow, quiet classical music, is proven to reduce stress.. Countless studies have shown that music's relaxing effects can be seen on anyone, including newborns. One of the great benefits of music as a stress reliever is that it can be used while you do your usual deeds so that it rea...
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Effects of Vibroacoustic Music on Challenging Behaviors in Individuals with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Abstract: Vibroacoustic music has been proposed to be an effective treatment for individuals with developmental disorders and challenging behaviors. The present study experimentally tested the effects of vibroacoustic music on self-injurious, stereotypical, and aggressive destructive behaviors i...
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The Effects of Vibroacoustic Therapy on Clinical and Non-Clinical Populations (Ph.D. Thesis)
Vibroacoustic and vibrotactile devices that transmit sound as vibration to the body have developed over the last 15 years, and have been reported anecdotally to produce relaxation and reductions in muscle tone, blood pressure and heart rate. Vibroacoustic (VA) therapy is used in clinical treatmen...
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Vibroacoustic Stimulation and Brain Oscillation: From Basic Research to Clinical Application
This paper addresses the importance of steady-state brain oscillation for brain connectivity and cognition. Given that a healthy brain maintains particular levels of oscillatory activity, we argue that disturbances or dysrhythmias of this oscillatory activity coincide with common health condition...
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The Effect of Low-Frequency Sound Stimulation on Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Clinical Study
Researchers have hypothesized that thalamocortical dysfunction plays a role in fibromyalgia. The use of low-frequency sound stimulation to ameliorate thalamocortical dysfunction has also been investigated, and has shown promise in treating certain pain conditions. Accordingly, the authors of this...
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Qi & Bio-Frequencies
Comparing the concept of Qi as a ‘life force’ or ‘energy’ which flows in meridians with the writer’s work on coherent frequencies in living systems, this Chapter will attempt a synthesis to provide Qi with a basis in physics. Frequency effects have already been observed in the activity of healers...
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Rhythm, reading, and sound processing in the brain in preschool children
A child’s success in school relies on their ability to quickly grasp language and reading skills, the foundations of which are acquired even before entering a formal classroom setting. Previous studies in preschoolers have begun to establish relationships linking beat synchronization, preliteracy...
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Board Members: David Gibson, Randy Masters, Richard Feather Anderson, Jennifer Catalano, Lisa Lippincott, Jackie Miller, Jamie Lu Aldrich