Clinical Research Paper Database

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Musical experience and the aging auditory system: Implications for cognitive abilities and hearing speech in noise
Much of our daily communication occurs in the presence of background noise, compromising our ability to hear. While understanding speech in noise is a challenge for everyone, it becomes increasingly difficult as we age. Although aging is generally accompanied by hearing loss, this perceptual decl...
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Musicians change their tune: How hearing loss alters the neural code
Individuals with sensorineural hearing loss have difficulty understanding speech, especially in background noise. This deficit remains even when audibility is restored through amplification, suggesting that mechanisms beyond a reduction in peripheral sensitivity contribute to the perceptual diffi...
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Musical experience strengthens the neural representation of sounds important for communication in middle-aged adults
Older adults frequently complain that while they can hear a person talking, they cannot understand what is being said; this difficulty is exacerbated by background noise. Peripheral hearing loss cannot fully account for this age-related decline in speech-in-noise ability, as declines in central p...
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Musical experience offsets age-related delays in neural timing
Aging disrupts neural timing, reducing the nervous system's ability to precisely encode sound. Given that the neural representation of temporal features is strengthened with musical training in young adults, can musical training offset the negative impact of aging on neural processing? By compari...
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Audiovisual deficits in older adults with hearing loss: Biological evidence
Objective: To examine the impact of hearing loss (HL) on audiovisual (AV) processing in the aging population. We hypothesized that age-related HL would have a pervasive effect on sensory processing, extending beyond the auditory domain. Specifically, we predicted that decreased auditory input to ...
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Continued maturation of auditory brainstem function during adolescence: A longitudinal approach
Cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that the cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) changes substantially in amplitude and latency from childhood to adulthood, suggesting that these aspects of the CAEP continue to mature through adolescence. However, no study to date has longitudinally f...
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Music training: Lifelong investment to protect the brain from aging and hearing loss
Age-related declines in the auditory system contribute strongly to older adults’ communication difficulties, especially understanding speech in noisy environments. With the aging population growing rapidly there is an expanding need to discover means to offset or remediate these declines. Music t...
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Absent auditory brain stem response: Peripheral hearing loss or brain stem dysfunction?
Interpretation of auditory brain stem response (ABR) findings can be problematic in cases where waves III and V are absent. Such findings can be attributed to profound hearing loss, brain stem neuropathology, or both. Over a 3-year period, 48 patients with no known brain stem damage and on whom a...
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Auditory processing disorder: Biological basis and treatment efficacy
Auditory processing disorders contribute to communication difficulties in children with language-based learning impairments and in older adults who have trouble hearing in background noise. Therefore, deficits in auditory processing are widespread among these diverse populations. For this reason,...
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Music benefits across the lifespan: Enhanced processing of speech in noise
Intriguing research continues to focus on music, the brain, and music's potential in honing auditory acuity, including speech-in-noise performance and the enhancement of listening abilities. This article reviews many of these exciting findings and looks at clinical implications for auditory train...
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Developmental Plasticity in the Human Auditory Brainstem
Development of the human auditory brainstem is thought to be primarily complete by the age of ~2 years, such that subsequent sensory plasticity is confined primarily to the cortex. However, recent findings have revealed experience-dependent developmental plasticity in the mammalian auditory brain...
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Longitudinal maturation of auditory cortical function during adolescence
Cross-sectional studies have demonstrated that the cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP) changes substantially in amplitude and latency from childhood to adulthood, suggesting that these aspects of the CAEP continue to mature through adolescence. However, no study to date has longitudinal...
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Board Members: David Gibson, Randy Masters, Richard Feather Anderson, Jennifer Catalano, Lisa Lippincott, Jackie Miller, Jamie Lu Aldrich