Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.
There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
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The grading system is as follows.
Overall Grade – 1-5 stars.
Interesting – 1 – Blasé 5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application – 1 – Theoretical 5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written – 1 – Hard to Read 5 – Clear and Concise
The papers are organized based on the following categories:
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My interests have gravitated between color, sound and Architecture. I have found a great resource in Ani Williams which includes some of the Pythagorean theories in color and form. Such as the five dimensional geometric shapes, which are the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and the icosahedron representing fire, earth, air, ether and water. Michael Helois discovered the musical proportions and corresponding tones for each Platonic shape. His meditation experiences with clients confirmed the relations of shapes and color without disclosing the shape or color.
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My hope and intention is too literally see whether the use of a voice intonations, a sound bed and tuning forks, matching the color with musical notes, may improve our ability to see and perceive the great rays of Light and creation which know step down to create form. Perhaps using light and sound together will give us visual proof that one perceives light more after the experience of healing with sound and consequently is lead to enhanced overall well being and balance. The eyes are connected to the brain via the optic nerve and sound as we know affects our whole body via the vagus nerve.
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I have been convinced for many years through my own intuition and inner awareness that the whale songs and sonar transmissions are affecting the collective field of consciousness of the planet. My research lead me to discover that different studies undertaken around the world have shown whale songs to travel hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles through the ocean. Whales can communicate over enormous distances at low frequency and the sounds are transmitted in the water at a speed of 1,450 meters per second (almost one mile per second). That is around four and a half times faster than sounds traveling through air. So it’s clear that water is an amplifier.
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Bees may seem like they are flying, but in fact they are levitating. Their wings buzz at 250Hz in order to keep them moving forward and floating steadily while pollinating a flower. David Foster Wallace wrote, “Bees have to move very fast to stay still.” I find it fascinating that the swift and steady levitating bee fluttering its wings at 250 beats per second pollinates much of the food we eat. The human that consumes the product of the bee, speaks in the same frequency, which is also in line with the tune of the King’s Chamber in the Great pyramid. This flow of frequency causes me to ask: Is 250Hz a number that may be applied to spiritual progression or part of a formula to achieve levitation? I may not have the answer now, but I believe that there is something deeper to be discovered around this concept.
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The Violet Flame resides in the 7th ray as a combination of blue light representing power, and pink light representing love. It is regarded as the ray of freedom and joy, and its use is most closely overseen by Ascended Master Saint Germaine, a master of the alchemy of the soul. To master the use of the Violet Flame is to the master a very high form of alchemy. Old, discordant thought forms can be viewed as base metals in Spiritual Alchemy. The Violet Flame can be considered the transmuting force that upon confrontation of lower “metals” raises them into the vibration of love and harmony. In a sense it is the spiritual aspirants Philosopher’s Stone. It works by way of resonance, and can dissolve karma in all planes of existence.
This paper seeks to describe the way in which visualizing violet light can beneficially transmute negative aspects into positive ones.
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Today, sound therapy techniques are not only used on people for general and specific healing, but also on their pets and animals. The focus of this paper is to briefly review some of the applications of sound therapy being used on pets and animals and the results reported by the healers. An immediate search of the internet provides ample evidence that sound therapy techniques are being used on pets and animals to support their health and wellness.
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We talk often of Man’s many bodies; etheric, causal, mental, astral to name just some of these. The most significant of these is generally not as well recognized or understood. It is the Sound Body. According to the theosophical treatises, sound is the carrying agent of man’s consciousness. In the same way that the Absolute issued the initial creative word to call into active manifestation out of the endless potential the countless forms and shapes of etheric, subtle, astral and gross matter, so too does the spirit use sound to call the individual soul into manifestation in the many bodies.
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Apply the relevant oils directly to the area of the Chakra. Put a small amount of carrier oil and a drop or two of the essential oil in your hands and rub together. Allow the individual to inhale the scent of the oils for a few deep breaths. Then work in wide circles and rub into area of the Chakra. When treating auras, put the blended oils in your hands, rub them in and then stroke your hands over the aura in long, rhythmic strokes towards the feet, working down over the body then over the limbs. Do this three times.
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Chi, Prana, mana, ruah some of the many names used throughout cultures to describe the vital life force that lives inside the energetic flow pulsing within all of us. Energy can be found within everything and within our written history man has been trying to find a way to understand and direct it's flow. We have long realized that within understanding this we can truly understand ourselves and push forward with our true potential.
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This report includes information about the Noosphere, the Morphogenetic field, Animal Magnetism, Mesmerism, and how the effect of this field can be used for various methods of healing and attaining higher levels of consciousness and greater understanding and evolution. It discusses various theories stemming from the concept of the Noosphere introduced in 1922 by Teilhard de Chardi. It also highlights historical research about the fields of magnetism/mesmerism, an invisible force exerted by animals, and morphogenetic; which is a force of habit created from cumulative memory. In summary, this report highlights the fact that there are many new and also ancient healing discoveries, and information technology is growing in the field of healing.
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This paper discusses how the use of Bi lateral Sound can engage the left and right brain to facilitate healing PTSD and other emotional disturbances. Bi-lateral sound is a form of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming) similar to the Rapid Eye Movement cycle while we are asleep and going into dreaming. By activation, the person receiving treatment can bypass the ego and use more creative techniques to address issues, such as phobias or everyday stressors. In addition to using music alone, the therapist may invoke images to trigger certain emotions.
Bi-lateral Sound_Bryan Friedman
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Grieving is a very sacred process that can involve much vulnerability and organic emotional flow. Grief and sadness from life may be stored inside if a person is made to feel shame about releasing them. When we feel struck with sadness, many times our first reaction is to try to maintain some control over our reaction by knowingly or unknowingly tensing or pulling in at the chest area or other areas of the body including the shoulders and muscles along the back of the spine. I specifically mention the chest area because the process of grieving is associated with the heart chakra. When we contract, pull, or tense up the areas surrounding the heart it pulls muscles around the front and back of the heart center. The back of the heart chakra is meant to be a portal open and wide in order to release energy. When the shoulders and muscles along the spine are tense, it makes the body hunched and the tension along the spine can severely constrict the opening of the back of the chakra. When ...
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