Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.
There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
others can easily find papers they would like to read or download.
The grading system is as follows.
Overall Grade – 1-5 stars.
Interesting – 1 – Blasé 5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application – 1 – Theoretical 5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written – 1 – Hard to Read 5 – Clear and Concise
The papers are organized based on the following categories:
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As a Somatic Release Breathwork Practitioner, I’ve witnessed the power music and a thoughtfully curated playlist can have to guide my clients through a journey of sensory awareness. Unlike other breath work modalities, Somatic Release Breath Work has incorporated music as a tool to set the breathing pace and use the breath for emotional release. This paper discusses the important role of sound, particularly music, in Somatic Release Breathwork (SRB) experiences.
Sound in Somatic Release Breath Work Eileen Paper
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The topic for my final paper was chosen because I felt that I needed to further explore the differences between mechanical and electromagnetic waves. We have covered in detail, mechanical waves, and how they operate to propagate sound. Electromagnetic waves were something that I was not as familiar with, and wanted to better understand. In this paper, we will learn how to sound waves, or longitudinal which means that they are parallel to the direction of propagation as well as physical which means the isolations are formed from vibrating in solid liquid or gas so they require a medium to travel through. Electromagnetic waves on the other hand, vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the propagation. Electric and magnetic fields do not require a medium. Join me for a deep dive into further understanding this topic.
A Comparison of Sound and Electromagnetic Waves
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This paper attempts to explain where we come from and where we are going, through the lens of vibrational fields of perception. Through comparison to sound, light, and sensation I lay out my theory of how we perceive reality and interact with the physical, seemingly solid world.
297_Where does the wood go
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Find clarity on how to practice self-care by learning about the higher and lower vibrations of your moon sign in Astrology.
Practicing Self-Care using Astrology and Numerology
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Sound is everywhere, and everything is made up of frequency and vibration. We are all connected. Our frequency is our energy, our vibration, our consciousness. It is what we feel and what we put out into the world. Native American Shamans believe that everything on earth has a consciousness, including humans, animals, insects, rocks, trees, flowers, and plants. If everything has a frequency, then those waves can create tones. Vibration and sound may be a way for plants and flowers to connect with their surrounding environment - and for humans to connect with them. Research has indicated that our growing garden “friends” can hear and emit sounds, possessing their own version of ears and voices.
A garden chorale
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Useful links on vibrations and sounds.
Vibrational dictionary project video resources
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This presentation paper aims to explain the connection between light and sound as vibrational energies. It begins by giving a brief description of the way ancient cultures used color in their medical model to treat and cure various ailments.
Paragraph description for Presentation Paper MC
Sound Healing TX MC 2024
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The Huni Kuin are an indigenous tribe located in the state of Acre, Brazil. I had the blessing of receiving the Huni Kuins in our and hosting them while they were journeying and sharing ceremonies in Iceland so i wrote a presentation about them.
Huni kuin - powerpoint
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The purpose of this study is twofold: to determine the efficacy and longevity of vibroacoustic therapy for the treatment of chronic anxiety, and secondarily to determine if there are voice profile commonalities among those with this condition.
Research Study - Vibroacoustics for Anxiety - Kat Bayer
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Sound Baths have become very popular due to their calmness and healing effects. In this presentation, I would like to discuss the properties of crystals first and share the knowledge of how they work in sound baths.
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To feel is to be present, to be present is to feel. It’s natural to wonder what perception would consist of if totally deprived of it’s elementary signaling system. Our physical sensations seem to be governing our behaviors, guiding our every action and moves. Distinct perceptive abilities may vary greatly from a person to another on a monitoring and analysis basis. The input/output of the vibrational content that surrounds us might just be the prime foundation behind the experience of reality as we know it. The way we assimilate and construct information is the core of Being alive. There are evidently many levels and aspects to cover on this notion, such as the physics and biological dispositions we are equipped with, the understanding of the theories that supports them along with the nuanced and relative interpretations that may arise in the process of examination.
Perception-Final Globe Paper-S.Lehrich
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I was very curious as to what called various people to sound healing. How did the ideas of sound “resonate” with each individual and how did their exposure to sound healing “reverberate” out from them into the world. I think the question reminded me of a lovely ritual from my acupuncture program on the day we got our first needle. Our teacher ceremoniously handed us each our needle and as we were all soaking in the moment, thinking of how we would save our precious gem, she simply said….”Now give it away…..” And so began my understanding of the healing journey. I interviewed four people, Ginger and Boschko from our program, Tabytha Polaris, who I met in another program and Mary McLerran, a life long friend of mine, and middle school sign language teacher in Salt Lake City. I loved their different stories and the similarities as well.
Karen Johnson L.Ac, RN
Tabytha sound healing
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