Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.
There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
others can easily find papers they would like to read or download.
The grading system is as follows.
Overall Grade – 1-5 stars.
Interesting – 1 – Blasé 5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application – 1 – Theoretical 5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written – 1 – Hard to Read 5 – Clear and Concise
The papers are organized based on the following categories:
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My intent for this article is to share knowledge about the healing qualities of self-created sounds, such as humming and toning. To review extraordinary studies and research on the positive impacts sound can have on the human body. To inspire people to use the information and practices described within to lead a healthier, happier life. And to present techniques and exercises that individuals can try themselves as they begin their journey into the art of humming to heal.
KK Holly_Globe Paper_The Power of Self-Created Sound_Aug2022
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Aura -Soma is a non-intrusive self-selective colour care system in which colour is the key and can be utilized by everyone. It is often said, "You are the Colours you choose." Our colour choice helps us to recognize these needs and provides a communication between the self and the soul. The Living Energies within the Equilibrium bottles, pomanders, quintessences and the colour essences are the foundation and heart
of the Aura-Soma Colour Care System.
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My paper explores the use of angels in sound therapy exploring invocation, the duties of the seven archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Chamael, and Zadkiel. The colors and gem stones associated with each of the seven archangels is explored. Archangels of the four directions can be used as a medicine wheel in healing sessions or clearing of sacred space. The use of tuning fork frequency based on the Gematria numerology system is explored.
Angels in Sound Therapy
angel sounds
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The sound and vibration induced by the human voice can significantly impact our physical and spiritual realities. These sounds and vibrations have been documented and recorded to affect the physical transformation of water crystals, relieve stress, and calm intense emotions. Furthermore, the human voice can heal or perpetuate disease, all through the power of voice.
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Ringing of the temple bell is an ancient Vedic ritual which is still followed today. It is and remains one of the most fun experiences for people/worshippers across ages who visit temples. Apart from the "fun" element, there is also a science behind it.
Ghant Naada - The significance of temple bells
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The voice is a powerful and resilient healing instrument, capable of helping people connect deeply to their bodies, emotions and soul. This essay explores the interrelation of the voice and trauma, through the lens of psychophysiology. It examines the effects of different emotional states on the voice, and explores Vocal Psychotherapy, a voice-focused music therapy method.
The Voice & Trauma, Jenna Ecklein
Presentation Slides - The Voice & Trauma
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Power of Labyrinths explores sacred geometry technology as containing various symbols of spiritual traditions and the correlation to the chakras in enabling transformative experiences to seekers of change and personal growth, not matter the depth of spiritual awakening.
Power of LabyrinthsPPT
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The power of intention is arguably the most important tool for all healing work. We explore how intention works within the body, mind, spiritually, and throughout consciousness, extending throughout the cosmos- including quantum entanglement, cymatic patterning, and cell imprinting.
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Nature is an extension of Man, and its cycles have been used in Indigenous Culture to remain one with The Most High and the Universe since Creation. Being in harmony with Nature’s Cycles have been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. In this offering we will explore co-regulation through the 7-Days of the Week, from a practical perspective, based on Indigenous High Science.
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My paper "Vibration, Nitric Oxide and You" is about just that. Nitric Oxide is not Nitrous Oxide. It is naturally produced by our bodies and has an incredible amount of benefits for our bodies. Vibration increase Nitric Oxide production and I will share with you techniques with sound and vibration to enhance your ability to receive the protective properties of this truly amazing molecule.
NO paper 5
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Studies have shown that fabric has a vibration. Natural fabrics vibrate high and synthetic fabrics vibrate low. Since the inception of the organized military, uniforms have been used and over time the fabric has changed with the times. Could there be a connection between the increase in pts(d) and mental health diagnoses and the uniforms being worn?
Vibration of Fabric
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A Brief Exploration of Icaros and Shamanic Music takes a look at shamanic sound and song as a means for communion with Source or Creator and to promote healing. In this piece, we explore some of the purposes for which one might use particular songs or sound practices such as drumming and medicine songs and the effects that arise on different levels. Overall, the aim of this paper is to bring us back to the knowledge that to establish a relationship to the natural and spiritual realms around us is a birthright and that the practices of the past are but a blueprint and a beacon for the creative rituals we have the privilege to enact in our own lives.
An Exploration of Icaros and Shamanic Music
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