Clinical Research Paper Database

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Assistive listening devices drive neuroplasticity in children with dyslexia
Children with dyslexia often exhibit increased variability in sensory and cognitive aspects of hearing relative to typically developing peers. Assistive listening devices (classroom FM systems) may reduce auditory processing variability by enhancing acoustic clarity and attention. We assessed the...
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Bilingual enhancements have no socioeconomic boundaries
To understand how socioeconomic status (SES) and bilingualism simultaneously operate on cognitive and sensory function, we examined executive control, language skills, and neural processing of sound in adolescents who differed in language experience (i.e. English monolingual or Spanish-English bi...
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Unstable representation of sound: a biological marker of dyslexia
Learning to read proceeds smoothly for most children, yet others struggle to translate verbal language into its written form. Poor readers often have a host of auditory, linguistic, and attention deficits, including abnormal neural representation of speech and inconsistent performance on psychoac...
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New directions: Cochlear implants
(Section Introduction, from The Neurosciences and Music III: Disorders and Plasticity -- Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 1169) Thirty years ago we never could have imagined the widespread success that cochlear implants (CIs) have achieved today. Although the sound that is heard...
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Musical experience limits the degradative effects of background noise on the neural processing of sound
Musicians have lifelong experience parsing melodies from background harmonies, which can be considered a process analogous to speech perception in noise. To investigate the effect of musical experience on the neural representation of speech-in-noise, we compared subcortical neurophysiological res...
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Selective subcortical enhancement of musical intervals in musicians
By measuring the auditory brainstem response to two musical intervals, the major sixth (E3 and G2) and the minor seventh (E3 and F#2), we found that musicians have a more specialized sensory system for processing behaviorally relevant aspects of sound. Musicians had heightened responses to ...
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Hearing it again and again: On-line subcortical plasticity in humans
Background: Human brainstem activity is sensitive to local sound statistics, as reflected in an enhanced response in repetitive compared to pseudo-random stimulus conditions. Here we probed the short-term time course of this enhancement using a paradigm that assessed how the local sound statistic...
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Music, noise-exclusion, and learning
Children with language-based learning disorders show impaired processing of speech in challenging listening environments, suggesting a noise-exclusion deficit. Musical expertise induces neuroplastic changes throughout the nervous system, including sharpening of early sensory processing, improved ...
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Can you hear me now? Musical training shapes functional brain networks for selective auditory attention and hearing speech in noise
Even in the quietest of rooms, our senses are perpetually inundated by a barrage of sounds, requiring the auditory system to adapt to a variety of listening conditions in order to extract signals of interest (e.g., one speaker’s voice amidst others). Brain networks that promote selective attentio...
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Musical experience shapes human brainstem encoding of linguistic pitch patterns
Music and speech are very cognitively demanding auditory phenomena generally attributed to cortical rather than subcortical circuitry. We examined brainstem encoding of linguistic pitch and found that musicians show more robust and faithful encoding compared with nonmusicians. These results not o...
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Musicians have enhanced subcortical auditory and audiovisual processing of speech and music
Musical training is known to modify cortical organization. Here, we show that such modifications extend to subcortical sensory structures and generalize to processing of speech. Musicians had earlier and larger brainstem responses than nonmusician controls to both speech and music stimuli present...
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Auditory processing malleability: Focus on language and music
Auditory processing forms the basis of humans' ability to engage in complex behaviors such as understanding spoken language or playing a musical instrument. Auditory processing is not a rigid, encapsulated process; rather, it interacts intimately with other neural systems and is affected by exper...
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Board Members: David Gibson, Randy Masters, Richard Feather Anderson, Jennifer Catalano, Lisa Lippincott, Jackie Miller, Jamie Lu Aldrich