Clinical Research Paper Database

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Musical responses in 3-6 year olds with profound cognitive impairment – in song, with instruments and in movement
"The topic of my dissertation was to note any musical responses that emerged from a small group of young children with profound cognitive impairm ent hereafter known as PCI. By focusing on what ...
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Older adults benefit from music training early in life: Biological evidence for long-term training-driven plasticity
Aging results in pervasive declines in nervous system function. In the auditory system, these declines include neural timing delays in response to fast-changing speech elements; this causes older adults to experience difficulty understanding speech, especially in challenging listening environment...
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Musicophilia – Tales of Music and the Brain (Book)
W hat an odd thing it is to see an entire species— billions of ...
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Beat synchronization across the lifespan: Intersection of development and musical experience
Rhythmic entrainment, or beat synchronization, provides an opportunity to understand how multiple systems operate together to integrate sensory-motor information. Also, synchronization is an essential component of musical performance that may be enhanced through musical training. Investigat...
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Sound to sense, sense to sound: a state of the art in sound and music computing
The purpose of this book is to give a wide account of state-of-the-art resear ch in the sound domain, with a proper combination of human sciences, computa tional sciences, an...
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Musicians’ enhanced neural differentiation of speech sounds arises early in life: Developmental evidence from ages three to thirty
The perception and neural representation of acoustically similar speech sounds underlie language development. Music training hones the perception of minute acoustic differences that distinguish sounds; this training may generalize to speech processing given that adult musicians have enhanced neur...
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Continued maturation of the click-evoked auditory brainstem response in preschoolers
Background: Click-evoked auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) are a valuable tool for probing auditory system function and development. Although it has long been thought that the human auditory brainstem is fully mature by age 2 yr, recent evidence indicates a prolonged developmental trajectory. ...
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Stability and plasticity of auditory brainstem function across the lifespan
The human auditory brainstem is thought to undergo rapid developmental changes early in life until age ∼2 followed by prolonged stability until aging-related changes emerge. However, earlier work on brainstem development was limited by sparse sampling across the lifespan and/or averaging across c...
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A Little Goes a Long Way: How the Adult Brain Is Shaped by Musical Training in Childhood
Playing a musical instrument changes the anatomy and function of the brain. But do these changes persist after music training stops? We probed this question by measuring auditory brainstem responses in a cohort of healthy young human adults with varying amounts of past musical training. We show t...
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Auditory brainstem response to complex sounds: A tutorial
This tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of the methodological approach to collecting and analyzing auditory brainstem responses to complex sounds (cABRs). cABRs provide a window into how behaviorally relevant sounds such as speech and music are processed in the brain. Because temporal and...
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Musical experience and the aging auditory system: Implications for cognitive abilities and hearing speech in noise
Much of our daily communication occurs in the presence of background noise, compromising our ability to hear. While understanding speech in noise is a challenge for everyone, it becomes increasingly difficult as we age. Although aging is generally accompanied by hearing loss, this perceptual decl...
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Musicians change their tune: How hearing loss alters the neural code
Individuals with sensorineural hearing loss have difficulty understanding speech, especially in background noise. This deficit remains even when audibility is restored through amplification, suggesting that mechanisms beyond a reduction in peripheral sensitivity contribute to the perceptual diffi...
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Board Members: David Gibson, Randy Masters, Richard Feather Anderson, Jennifer Catalano, Lisa Lippincott, Jackie Miller, Jamie Lu Aldrich