Clinical Research Paper Database

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Learning to encode timing: Mechanisms of plasticity in the auditory brainstem
Mechanisms of plasticity have traditionally been ascribed to higher-order sensory processing areas such as the cortex, whereas early sensory processing centers have been considered largely hard-wired. In agreement with this view, the auditory brainstem has been viewed as a nonplastic site, import...
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Musical experience promotes subcortical efficiency in processing emotional vocal sounds
To understand how musical experience influences subcortical processing of emotionally salient sounds, we recorded brain stem potentials to affective vocal sounds. Our results suggest that auditory expertise engenders subcortical auditory processing efficiency that is intricately connected with ac...
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Musician enhancement for speech in noise
Objective: To investigate the effect of musical training on speech-in-noise (SIN) performance, a complex task requiring the integration of working memory and stream segregation as well as the detection of time-varying perceptual cues. Previous research has indicated that, in combination with life...
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Context-dependent encoding in the auditory brainstem subserves enhanced speech-in-noise perception in musicians
Musical training strengthens speech perception in the presence of background noise. Given that the ability to make use of speech sound regularities, such as pitch, underlies perceptual acuity in challenging listening environments, we asked whether musicians' enhanced speech-in-noise perception is...
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Harmonic relationships influence auditory brainstem encoding of chords
The cortical processing of musical sounds is influenced by listeners' sensitivity to the structural regularities of music, and particularly by sensitivity to harmonic relationships. As subcortical and cortical processing dynamically interact to shape auditory perception in an experience-dependent...
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Neural encoding of speech and music: Implications for hearing speech in noise
Understanding speech in a background of competing noise is challenging, especially for individuals with hearing loss or deficits in auditory processing ability. The ability to hear in background noise cannot be predicted from the audiogram, an assessment of peripheral hearing ability; therefore, ...
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Musical training during early childhood enhances the neural encoding of speech in noise
For children, learning often occurs in the presence of background noise. As such, there is growing desire to improve a child's access to a target signal in noise. Given adult musicians' perceptual and neural speech-in-noise enhancements, we asked whether similar effects are present in musically-t...
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Specialization among the specialized: Auditory brainstem function is tuned in to timbre
Evidence has mounted documenting widespread musician enhancements in an evolutionarily ancient subcortical structure, the auditory brainstem, highlighting the brainstem as a structure involved in learning-related brain plasticity (Banai and Kraus, 2007; Krishnan et al., 2009). Musicians not only ...
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Musicians have fine-tuned neural distinction of speech syllables
One of the benefits musicians derive from their training is an increased ability to detect small differences between sounds. Here, we asked whether musicians' experience discriminating sounds on the basis of small acoustic differences confers advantages in the subcortical differentiation of...
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Musical experience strengthens the neural representation of sounds important for communication in middle-aged adults
Older adults frequently complain that while they can hear a person talking, they cannot understand what is being said; this difficulty is exacerbated by background noise. Peripheral hearing loss cannot fully account for this age-related decline in speech-in-noise ability, as declines in central...
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Biological impact of music and software-based auditory training
Auditory-based communication skills are developed at a young age and are maintained throughout our lives. However, some individuals -- both young and old -- encounter difficulties in achieving or maintaining communication proficiency. Biological signals arising from hearing sounds relate to real-...
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High school music classes enhance the neural processing of speech
Should music be a priority in public education? One argument for teaching music in school is that private music instruction relates to enhanced language abilities and neural function. However, the directionality of this relationship is unclear and it is unknown whether school-based music training...
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Board Members: David Gibson, Randy Masters, Richard Feather Anderson, Jennifer Catalano, Lisa Lippincott, Jackie Miller, Jamie Lu Aldrich