Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.


There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
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The grading system is as follows.

Overall Grade –  1-5 stars.
Interesting –      1 – Blasé     5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application –    1 – Theoretical     5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written –    1 – Hard to Read      5 – Clear and Concise

The papers are organized based on the following categories:

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Every living thing on this planet has a life force of energy. Energy in its simplest form is vibration. This vibration or frequency is what keeps the physical body operating. Each organ has its own specific frequency. These frequencies combine to make up our aura or life force energy. The human body responds to frequencies and any exposure to long-term frequency can alter our natural resonance.
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There is a subtle bio-energy that flows through all organic life. It goes by many names and is sometimes referred to as Chi or life force. This energy is expressed as an electromagnetic vibrational frequency – and pure essential oils have the highest frequencies of any measured natural substance. What is vibrational frequency? And why do we care about it? Everything vibrates. Every atom in the universe has a specific vibratory or periodic motion. Each periodic motion has a frequency (the number of oscillations per second) that can be measured in Hertz. Every element in the Periodic Table has a specific vibratory frequency.
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The Alta Major is known for many functions that include: A center where Shakti ignites traveling down the spine through waves of vibration; it’s known as a part of the Kundalini rising; it is known for a center of divine inspiration and intuition; it is known and used not only as a pathway, but more so, as a trigger or a gate to open; and also known for its ability to connect one to higher forces... When one is ready.
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While researching the vagus nerve I quickly discovered that there is a lot of controversy about how to treat the nerve when it becomes dysfunctional. Some people argue that the nerve needs stimulation while others argue that the nerve needs to be calmed. These theories stem from the belief that vagus nerve disorders are caused by the nerve being under or over active. If the vagus nerve is not functioning properly it can cause a variety of problems in the body. This is because the vagus nerve is directly connected to the brain, heart, intestine, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, gallbladder, ureter, spleen, lungs, fertility organs, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, tongue and ears. Thus the name vagus is appropriate because it it means wandering in Latin.
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We know that sound can tune a body physically and emotionally. Sound can transport us and transform us infinitely. The vast reaching effects of sound on the human body, and it's auras becomes the basis for color therapy modalities which incorporate sound, with crystal bowls and tuning forks in frequencies designated by various esoteric tuning systems to transmit color information in their very wavelengths! These frequencies can be delivered directly on the general body, or make use of specific acupuncture meridians, a technique developed which is called ColorPuncture (and can also be done with light beams or lasers). Directly onto the body is not the only way to absorb the frequencies. These frequencies can be played with the Color Forks directly in the auric fields, or even in an ambient style in a room, as in a sound bath.    
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The music of the spheres, also called “universal music” is a theoretical concept that considers the intervals in the movements of the sun, moon and planets as a particular vibration, and thus, music. Most consider this music inaudible and the concept a harmonic or mathematical concept rather than an actual musical one. In the middle ages, it took on religious overtones. This idea influenced thinkers for many centuries, until late in the middle ages and the Renaissance.
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This paper uses a beautiful illustrative tale of how a young man picks up a wooden flute to “play the music of his heart.” History is included of the construct and traditions of the Native American Flute.
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Kabbalah means the “secret” or “hidden tradition”. Some Kabbalists had deep visions about the creation and workings of the Universe and described in a variety of esoteric ways. One of the ways of describing the visions was the Tree of Life formation, and is the most common representation of these concepts. Thus Kabbalah became both a way of viewing creation and a way of life for many Jewish mystics. The vision of the Kabbalah says that reality is created by sound, light and color frequencies.
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In philosophy, synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are causally unrelated, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. In other words, if unrelated incidents happen to me and I start seeing things in a different way and feel more connected to who I am because of these experiences, then I have just experienced the beautiful world of synchrony.
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Sound is energy. Sound is vibration. But what is this thing called sound, and how do we use it or even think about it? Is it a source for healing or just random noise or music? Can it help us or harm us? Can we cure disease with it? These are all questions to be asked and pondered. We can look at this information and come to our own conclusions.
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The mystery of the sand song heard emanating from sand dunes across the globe has scared, puzzled and amazed humans, striking fear and wonder in their hearts. Marco Polo commented when travelling across the Lop Desert in western China that "it is asserted as well-known fact that this desert is the abode of many evil spirits, which amuse travellers to their destruction with most extraordinary illusions." (Hope, NY Moon, 2008) North Africans ascribed the "za'eeq al raml", or shouting sand, to djinn as the loud, disembodied drone engulfed listeners and did not emanate from a clear epicentre.
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Although physical food is the most commonly accepted way that humans get their food, a comparison of the frequency spectrum and the various physical and non-physical materials indicates that physical food may be an energy intensive way to obtain the energy molecules and cells need for survival and generation.  Although physical food is helpful and for the time being necessary for human survival, frequency’s that vibrate closer to the frequencies of atoms, molecules and cells may be more readily available for incorporation into the body as a food.  The mode of incorporation is theorized to be a stepping up or a stepping down in frequency in order to meet the frequency of the cell, etc.  ‘Non-physical” food is thought to enter the body through the subtle body structure, and eventually reaches the physical body through energetic pathways.  Exposure to environmental toxins may reduce the ability of the human body to incorporate non-physical frequencies into the body as food.
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