Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.


There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
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The grading system is as follows.

Overall Grade –  1-5 stars.
Interesting –      1 – Blasé     5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application –    1 – Theoretical     5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written –    1 – Hard to Read      5 – Clear and Concise

The papers are organized based on the following categories:

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In Anthroposophy, musical intervals develop in conjunction with humans' spiritual and physical experiences. According to this system, song and speech arose in the Lemurian age. People lived in the Cosmos, absorbed sound from it, and did not experience their physical bodies. The smallest interval perceptible was the 9th. In the Atlantean age music was a transportation of physical experiences into the spiritual world. Smallest interval was the 7th. The Post-Atlantean was the age of the 5th. Singing and breath was a gift from the spirits, and it was in the breath that music was experienced……  
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Ultrasound was originally developed in WWII to detect enemy submarines. After the war in 1955, a surgeon in Glasgow named Ian Donald, began to experiment with it for medical uses. Using beefsteaks as the “control” subject, he scanned the abdominal tumors he had removed from his patients and found that different tissues gave different patterns of sound wave echo. He quickly realized the potential of ultrasound for examining a growing baby in utero.
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Tibetan multi-phonic chanting has its own characteristic sound, which has been compared to the Australian Digeridoo or resonance of a drum.  Comparisons have also been made about the “One Voice Chord” of Tibetan chanting and the Hoomis style found in Mongolia.  This is natural since these two traditions are foremost in their use of harmonics as an integral part of their sacred sounding.  The “Kargiraa” style of Mongolian overtone chanting is characterized by an extremely low fundamental pitch sung with much resonance deep in the chest.  Using vowel sounds, singers produce the low pitch and create harmonics two and a half to three and a half octaves above that note.
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I like to think of the universe as a place not of particles and matter, but of vibrational fields – of music. Everything from the smallest quark to the largest galaxy is vibrating in oscillation of pressure, hence, everything has a frequency. Because of this, everything can be affected and influenced by other frequencies, as in resonance.
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I want to address this issue when I realized that is very present in many cultures of the modern world, because human priorities have changed, especially in young-adults, who now a days prefer emotional independence rather than the desire for freedom that everyone has, but that is often not possible to achieve, when there is fear of being abandoned. Often, most people do not realize that they have this fear, which is overwhelmingly limiting. Through sound healing we can do several things to treat this disorder and help people to overcome this psychopathology at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
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Have you ever heard the term “sound healing” and wondered what it was, because your initial reaction was something like, “what kind of woo hoo stuff are you trying to sell now?” If that is the case you might be wondering, what is sound healing and why would someone seek a sound healing session? According to, “Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. Whether through the use of mantras as with the Hindis, the Icaros (medicine melodies) of various Indigenous peoples from Central and South America, or Pythagoras' use of interval and frequency, these various techniques all have the same intention: to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.”
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I am rolling around on public a dance floor, crying and laughing in ecstatic release: and I don’t care. I am walking down a public street with my friends singing loudly- people are giving me strange looks: and I don’t care. I am standing in front of 300 people at a wedding, singing my heart out: and I don’t care. I am sitting in my sound healing class, making the noise of my day, and releasing the most terrible and obnoxious noises possible: and I don’t care. And it’s not that I don’t care what I’m doing: I care very deeply. But I don’t care what people are thinking, and I don’t lose myself in fear of judgment. And when the fear slips in, because it inevitably does from time to time, instead of running away from that energy of being embarrassed or shamed I dive into it. I fully let myself feel the emotions of being embarrassed or the fear of being judged, and I let it move through my body. I use the energy. I grow with the fear.
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Everything is in relationship, the most significant of those relationships being that of the Earth with all her living beings. The interconnected web of reliance between People, Plants, Animals, and the Earth is evidence that everything is alive and everything has a spirit. There is a dimension of the Human Experience, a way of existing within the world, where plants can talk to human beings and human beings can talk to plants. It is within this realm that the indigenous peoples have accessed sacred dimensions for much of our history on this planet.
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Experiencing the joy and deep relaxation of a sound healing session with the pure vibrations of Crystal Tones Alchemy Singing Bowls is an experience that helps us to attune to the delicate vibrations of the universe allowing us to resonate with our true essence, our divine self. Once we resonate with our divine self, we cannot help but become more loving, more intuitive, more capable of reacting from our most open and compassionate self.  
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Sacred Geometry has been an interest of mine for many years. For some reason I was almost eerily drawn to seeking out the nature and mystery that was within. My yearning was likened unto that shown in “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”. I found myself always doodling and seeing intricacies in nature and the world around me. As I continued my searching I was lead to the power and science behind sacred geometry and sound or vibration as a tool for creation and regeneration, and the incredible transformative power of sound and geometry.
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My interests have gravitated between color, sound and Architecture. I have found a great resource in Ani Williams which includes some of the Pythagorean theories in color and form. Such as the five dimensional geometric shapes, which are the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and the icosahedron representing fire, earth, air, ether and water. Michael Helois discovered the musical proportions and corresponding tones for each Platonic shape. His meditation experiences with clients confirmed the relations of shapes and color without disclosing the shape or color.
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My hope and intention is too literally see whether the use of a voice intonations, a sound bed and tuning forks, matching the color with musical notes, may improve our ability to see and perceive the great rays of Light and creation which know step down to create form. Perhaps using light and sound together will give us visual proof that one perceives light more after the experience of healing with sound and consequently is lead to enhanced overall well being and balance. The eyes are connected to the brain via the optic nerve and sound as we know affects our whole body via the vagus nerve.
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