Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.


There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
others can easily find papers they would like to read or download.

The grading system is as follows.

Overall Grade –  1-5 stars.
Interesting –      1 – Blasé     5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application –    1 – Theoretical     5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written –    1 – Hard to Read      5 – Clear and Concise

The papers are organized based on the following categories:

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A must read thread of truth storytelling that will wrench your heart for the earth and life.  In the end victorious with the application of healing sounds of nature.  For the Bees…and Beings.
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What was it about the vibration of the Grateful Dead that drew beings together from all walks of life together in unity? Were they potentially the greatest sound healers in rock and roll? Some came for freedom, inspiration, drugs, spiritual experiences; others came to spin in circles. The one thing that made Grateful Dead concerts so unique was not just the band but the fans. Most fans would agree it was a place they felt safe to be themselves and that the music healed some part of their consciousness they needed.
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I am very passionate about the evolution of Jazz in the United States and New Orleans as an African American Art birthed out of surviving and rebelling slavery. I am very passionate that as a nation we recognize that without West African Drumming and the history in New Orleans that every popular music developed in the last 100 years would not be what it is. I would go as far as to argue that in some ways the birth of Jazz has been the most influential art/music in the last 100 years if you think about it chronologically in its influence on other pop music and art forms after and in its reach to the masses.
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This is a beautifully written paper that explains the four levels of Vak (speech) achieved through audible and inaudible sound. The practice is meant to raise consciousness. It involves pranayama, internal alchemy kundalini meditations, mantra japa, merging the mind with the mantra and awakening the inner ear to hear the celestial sounds.  This is Vag Yoga, a lineage of Tantric and Vedic science of the four levels of Vak, Speech
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This paper relates one sound healers personal experience as a guide to assist others in their search for higher consciousness.  The emphasis is on decoding the frequencies of crop circles which are thought to encase hidden messages.
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“A brief look at the importance of Phenomenology as it relates to Metaphysical Linguistics and the use of sound and vibration through words."
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My paper is on the conditions for healing in the range slightly below and above 8 hertz. In that range, we can tune in to the planet and all of life for healing and answers to our questions.
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A study of nine elements to consider when composing healing music. Taken from "Sounding the Inner Landscape - Music as Medicine" by Kay Gardner.  
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Five Element Qigong is based on the Five Element Theory. The ancient Chinese philosophers developed this theory through watching the interactions within nature. These interactions were movements and relationships of things in nature or the universe. In English, we use the term “Five Elements”, but literally translated, “wuxing” (五行) means “Five Movements”. This means that these elements are dynamic and alive.
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An understanding of the underlying currents and structures woven through our universe at the most fundamental level awards us the capacity to become better architects of our own reality. Whether viewing the vibrational patterning that differentiates one thing in existence from another as sound or geometry, proportion and number lie at the roots. As Z’EV states in his work, Rhythmajik, “Proportion literally translates as ‘for one’s portion’ and portion can have a definition of ‘destiny’.
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Breathing should come naturally, it is after all an involuntary action of the body essential to survival and a balanced autonomic pervious system. Holding the breath is also an involuntary response to stress, that ultimately leads to more stress, physical pain, and living in state of sympathetic nervous system dominance (ie. Fight or flight). Breath itself has a mystic quality. Healing and spiritual traditions all around the world have independently realized the power of the breath to heal.
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She now knew the beginning of the pattern ......All began from a single point of light – the magical sphere, increasing, forming the Vesica Pisces, dividing, then dividing again – the division of the cell, the same sequence in all of life....The Flower of Life- the beautiful design among many symbols found on the monuments of every Ancient culture across the globe and possibly the Universe. Resonance and sound now had a connection for her, but she wasn’t sure how. All she knew was that when she listened to music, she could go into that special and sacred space where she sculpted/painted and brought through beautiful art, which was imbued with the energy she felt when painting it.
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