Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.


There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
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The grading system is as follows.

Overall Grade –  1-5 stars.
Interesting –      1 – Blasé     5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application –    1 – Theoretical     5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written –    1 – Hard to Read      5 – Clear and Concise

The papers are organized based on the following categories:

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Ramon Stevens (See Randy’s handout) states “...the swirling dance of physical universe construction is governed by the three fundamental qualities of co-operation among all elements and cells, the free flowing passage of energy and information without hindrance or barrier, and the spice and power of variety.” Cells declare their free will, but recognise that only by pooling “... their charge, communicating constantly, operating on the agreed upon laws of vibration” will they be able to create and sustain the fundamental building blocks of space and time.
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We talk often of Man’s many bodies; etheric, causal, mental, astral to name just some of these. The most significant of these is generally not as well recognized or understood. It is the Sound Body. According to the theosophical treatises, sound is the carrying agent of man’s consciousness. In the same way that the Absolute issued the initial creative word to call into active manifestation out of the endless potential the countless forms and shapes of etheric, subtle, astral and gross matter, so too does the spirit use sound to call the individual soul into manifestation in the many bodies. The sound body is the principle instrument of the soul’s expression.
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Fueled by the belief that we are capable of far more than many of us previously considered, we are living in an age where there is a growing interest and momentum directed at the human potential. This includes the areas of consciousness and healing. Everyday there is research conducted and individual experiences that expand the boundaries of what was known. As this individual and collective consciousness unfolds, it advances our shared understanding and reveals its significance.
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Inside of your body are electrical rivers, also known as Meridians. they are flowing and nourishing all the areas of your body’s landscape with Qi, or life force energy. Collectively, they form the matrix within which the physical body functions. They also act as a network of communication between the physical and the more subtle energetic bodies.
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The use of sound vibration is found in many sacred healing rituals from Hindu, to Mongolian Shamans and even Tibetan Tantric Monks. In the beginning there was the sound Aum and from this sound the vibration of the universe was formed. In the Hindu religion Aum is considered a very sacred sound embodying the essence of the entire universe. Aum is described as the manifestation of God in the holy texts of the Hindu religion.
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Like the use of sound as a technology for the healing and balance of the spirit, mind, emotions and body, Aromatherapy has been used for these same purposes since ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, and India.
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The Six Healing Sounds are a self healing technique that incorporates sound emision, intention and movement. These audible vocal sounds were developed by Taoist sages in ancient China who were the earliest Qi Gong practitioners. Qi Gong masters were practitioners of longevity and confident in the human potential for immortality. In Mandarin, this practice is known as Liuzijue (translated as Six Word Formula or Six- Syllable Secret) and also called the Six Basic Soundless Sounds for Health.
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The question became; how could I get back into exploring and immersing myself into this new vibrant life when as soon as I would open up to it, I got pummeled and knocked back into my cave? Thus came my quest to find ways to protect myself so I could be out in the world in a way that would service and thrive without getting knocked down. How can I plant my feet firmly into the ground and feel like I could handle anything with having it take me out? So I came to school to collect useful tools to have so I could go forth into healing myself, as well as others, in the most effective way possible. And here is what I found.
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Our bodies have a profound electrical nature. Electrical messages are constantly sent throughout body to keep informed of what is going on. Without this energy flow we are not able to see, hear, feel, taste or smell. Electrical activity of the brain, Electrical activity of the heart. Our electrical systems are vital to our physical and mental health. When the energy stops flowing...we die. raise your frequenies vibraton
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Everything vibrates. Think about it. Sound is vibration, music is vibration, your vocal cords vibrate when you say Hallelujah. Even when you whisper, they vibrate softly. You make a quiet sound like a waterfall or wind rushing gently through the trees in your throat. Then you use your tongue and mouth to make the audible sounds as the air passes through. Ha, Le, Lu, Yah. Try it. Do it gently, or crank it up and belt it out.
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I believe we have various healing gifts in us, each one of us. Like we spoke at the Institute, some people are bowl people, some are drum people, some naturally gravitate towards electronic music, some towards tuning forks to name a few. Even though those categorizations sound restrictive, I sense that we each carry various healing modalities in our make up so we naturally gravitate towards certain types of healing.
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ABSTRACT What are the possibilities for sound healing through groups, as opposed to one on one interactions between a sound healer and a client? How can a group be more than the sum of its individuals? This paper focuses on research on setting up "the zone" in groups so that is possible, and relating that research to a healing context. It concludes with a proposed class exercise with multiple healers and clients that embodies some of these concepts, and possibilities for further training and research.
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