Each semester students at Globe Sound Healing Institute design and execute their own research papers.
This is the database of over 250 students papers.


There is also a place to provide feedback on the papers so
others can easily find papers they would like to read or download.

The grading system is as follows.

Overall Grade –  1-5 stars.
Interesting –      1 – Blasé     5 – Mind Blowing
Practical Application –    1 – Theoretical     5 – Extremely Useful
Well Written –    1 – Hard to Read      5 – Clear and Concise

The papers are organized based on the following categories:

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This paper is about how scents impact the mind and body and gives a few examples of the effectiveness of aromatherapy proven by clinical research studies. If anyone is interested in going deeper, references are provided at the end of the document and contain a lot more information not included in my paper. Sound Healing Final Paper on Scents
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The Guided Imagery and Music system consists of four essential components: a therapist, a client, music, and imagery. The client rests in a relaxed state, while the therapist guides images into the client’s mind through dialogue and music. This process evokes strong emotional responses to achieve positive change in the client's everyday life. Guided Imagery for Stress Reduction with Belleruth Naparstek GIM
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My paper is on the vibrations of snowboarding and some different ways I see the benefits of it for myself and others on a vibrational level. I talk about how it has been a transformative part of my life and how it has helped me in many ways. I also go into the technical aspect side of snowboarding and the turns down the mountain to how the board and gear you use it built and designed specifically to work with vibrations and how it helps us. The Vibrations of Snowboarding
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The project is about exploring the healing powers of intention by using the sounds of alchemy crystal bowls for clients with the gift of Synesthesia. The Synesthesia creates a commonality between the clients. The power of intention is explored by looking at the clients’ experiences of listening to the bowls in a session where no intention is set by the person playing the bowls and when an intention is set. finalproject-kamilla-intention
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We know that uncontrolled stress can wreak havoc on our bodies both mentally and physically. When stress is uncontrolled, mental problems may occur such as anxiety, and depression. Physical symptoms may include headache, stomach pain, chest pain and problems sleeping. When not addressed stress can worsen these symptoms and cause diseases in the body. The purpose of this study is to further research the effects of different sound tools such as singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, rain sticks and tingshas, and the effects they have on mood, stress, physical pain and overall wellbeing. The research attempted to compare if adding different sound tools to the group meditation would effected or change the overall outcome of stress and pain. Sound Report (1)
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This paper introduces the reader to some ways that the study and practice of yoga can align our body, mind and organs with a life supporting and life affirming vibration. The concept of the 8 limbs are introduced, in addition to incorporating the human voice into the yoga practice. Over the course of this sound healing training, I have learned that each of our organs functions at an optimal frequency, and vibrates a corresponding musical note. I propose that if we can vocally match the musical note of each organ during the practice of yoga, we can more effectively retain prana in that specific organ, and maintain higher amounts of life force energy in these areas, for longer periods of time. rosie lazroe
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This particular research study is to see how the use of sound and vibrational frequencies can bring healing and/or symptom relief to those who experience various types of inflammation in the body. Inflammation can range from moderate to severe and cause pain and discomfort physically and emotionally on a regular or daily basis. This particular study did not work with individuals who are experiencing inflammation due to an accident or injury; rather it is researching how treatments can benefit those who are experiencing inflammation due to arthritis, joint and/or muscle inflammation, intestinal inflammation, inflammation that may develop in the body caused by toxins found in food, drinking water, environmental pollutants, stress or unknown / undiagnosed causes. The inflammation can manifest in various ways in the body and often is not localized in one specific area of the body, rather it moves to various parts of the body at random. InflamationResearchPaulJarreau
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The Journey of Himalayan Bowls amongst old age community and Memory Care Unit as a Therapist walking the path of healing and Transformation Himalayan Singing Bowls
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Humans are wired to respond to music. Physically, emotionally and neurologically. Science has found that music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function. So where does the power of music end? We are now using music for all sorts of mental issues and conditions. We can calm and relax people with panic disorders, anxiety, depression, PTSD. Removing them from their past conflicts and bringing them to the present. We can take dementia and Alzheimer’s patients who seem to have forgotten who they are and are incapable of being present, then with the use of music restore parts of their memory even from childhood and bring them to the present to share their memories with us. If we can use music as a tool to help those remember the past and bring people to the present, why can’t we use it to grab ahold of our dreams, our passions, a goal, a focus, an affirmation, our purpose and bring that to the present? Orchestrating My Vision (final copy)
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The project I am creating, as a healing modality to be shared with the world, which integrates the lessons and teachings from the Globe Institute, is called Harmonic Steam and Sing. It is a steam sauna built with dimensions relating to each other in the ratio of Phi, or the Golden Ratio, for resonant frequency healing while in a sauna environment.  This modality will be used for releasing tension, stress, and blockages, leveraging frequency ‘baths’, in the form of sound, and active participation in one’s own healing process through breathing and singing exercises.   Globe Institute - Paper
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For my final paper/presentation I offered an experiential meditation, setting sacred space I led the group in a grounding and centering meditation, a chakra cleanout, and an experience of creating a resonant field of love. All with the intention of the highest and best for all and also to have some tools to takeaway and use on an everyday basis for spiritual hygiene.  I was guided by Spirit to take this Sound Healing course so for my paper I sat with my guides and channeled some information. My team shared how they work with me in the quantum field to release energy, specifically how they work on the cellular level to clear the physical body, how they use frequency and light on the auric field/light body, working not just physically and physiologically but clearing all layers of the mental/physical/emotional/spiritual bodies, and how your own body wisdom assists with this, ultimately to allow more light into each cell creating an ability to vibrate at a higher frequency. They relate...
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Equal Temperament has enabled much innovation in modern music, the creation of forms of music like Jazz, and the flexibility to change keys mid-song.  However, access to something fundamental in the ability of humans to peacefully co-exist in a harmonious balance may have been lost in the universal adoption of Equal Temperament.  This paper looks at the implications of this loss of harmony, and at the potential clues for reviving this harmony held in ancient esoteric music.     Marguerite Graham_Final Paper
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